Kihon Renshu
The list below is a portion of the basic karate exercises that have been handed down to us by our lineage of karate teachers.
They are designed to build the karate body with consistent and regular practice. (For a complete list refer to Shorin Ryu Seibukan: Kyan's Karate by Shimabukuro and Smith page 67.)
Refer to this list when reviewing rank requirements.
The list below is a portion of the basic karate exercises that have been handed down to us by our lineage of karate teachers.
They are designed to build the karate body with consistent and regular practice. (For a complete list refer to Shorin Ryu Seibukan: Kyan's Karate by Shimabukuro and Smith page 67.)
Refer to this list when reviewing rank requirements.
Kihon Renshu (basic training exercises)
Japanese English
Japanese English
- Shomen Tsuki Front Punch
- Mae Geri no Undo Front Kick Exercise
- Hiza Age No Undo Knee Raise Exercise
- Mae Geri Front Kick
- Shuto Uchi Knife Hand Strike
- Gedan Barai, Chudan Tsuki Downward Block, Reverse Punch
- Gyaku Tsuki Reverse Punch
- Yoko Geri No Undo Side Kick Exercise
- Yoko Geri Side Kick
- Ryote Uraken Yoko Uchi Double Backfist Side Strike
- Jodan Age Uke Overhead Rising Block
- Gedan Tsuki Punching a Kick
- Yon Kai Uchi Front Punch, Side Elbow, Back Punch, Back Elbow
- Chudan Uchi Otoshi Uke Downward Block of a Center Attack
- Chudan Ude Uchi Uke Inside Forearm Block
- Hassami Uchi Scissors Strike
- Ushiro Hineri Tsuki Back Twisting Punch
- Yoko Hineri Tsuki Side Twist Punch
- Mawashi Geri No Undo Round Kick Exercise
- Mawashi Geri Round Kick
- Ushiro Geri No Undo Back Kick Exercise
- Ushiro Geri Back Kick
- Sueto Uke Open Hand Block (knife hand block)
- Chudan Soto Ude Uke Outside Middle Forearm Block
- Ashi Sukui Catching a Kick
- Ashi Barai Sweeping a Kick
- Uke Kogeki (Ryote Uke, Chudan Tsuki) Double Hand Block, Punch
- Ashi Uke Blocking a Kick
- Renzoku Tsuki Geri Punch, Punch, Kick, Punch